Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Weekend Masses: Saturday at 5:30 p.m. and Sunday at 10:45 a.m. Weekday Mass: Wednesday and Friday at 9:30 a.m. Confession Schedule: First Friday 9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. or by appointment. Contact Information: 1200 N. Indiana Street, Mooresville, Indiana, 46158, (317) 831-4142, [email protected] Parish Mission: To know, love, and serve God and our neighbors |
STM Garage and Barn Sale
Thursday, August 29 (9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.)
Friday, August 30 (9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.)
Items may be brought to the barn-between 8:30 & 4:00; just call the office (317-831-4142) and we'll open up for you.
Please don't bring dirty or broken items. If you wouldn't buy it, please don't bring it! We do not accept TV's, electronics, or mattresses.
Make sure everything is clean and in good condition.
If you have a larger item: car, boat, camper, motor- cycle, etc. you would like to sell, bring it to the garage sale and donate a percentage of the sale to the church. We will not be responsible for pick-up or de livery. IF YOUR BIG ITEM DOES NOT SELL, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR TAKING IT AWAY.
Additionally, we can always use your help with set-up, during the sale, and tear down on Friday, August 30th after the sale is finished. THANK-YOU!!
Please don't bring dirty or broken items. If you wouldn't buy it, please don't bring it! We do not accept TV's, electronics, or mattresses.
Make sure everything is clean and in good condition.
If you have a larger item: car, boat, camper, motor- cycle, etc. you would like to sell, bring it to the garage sale and donate a percentage of the sale to the church. We will not be responsible for pick-up or de livery. IF YOUR BIG ITEM DOES NOT SELL, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR TAKING IT AWAY.
Additionally, we can always use your help with set-up, during the sale, and tear down on Friday, August 30th after the sale is finished. THANK-YOU!!
September-FestVolunteers Needed! Volunteer forms are available in the pews. Plese complete and place in the collection basket or contact:
News & Events
Faith Formation Classes
Incoming Kindergarten - Grade 12 are now available on hte bulletin board in the social hall. The forms/money may be turned in anytime. Classes begin August 11th at 9:00 a.m. .There will also be an Ice Cream Social after the 10:45 a.m. Mass, Sunday, August 4th where you can turn in forms and money. Please contact Tracy Disney at (317) 831-4142 if you have any questions.
Incoming Kindergarten - Grade 12 are now available on hte bulletin board in the social hall. The forms/money may be turned in anytime. Classes begin August 11th at 9:00 a.m. .There will also be an Ice Cream Social after the 10:45 a.m. Mass, Sunday, August 4th where you can turn in forms and money. Please contact Tracy Disney at (317) 831-4142 if you have any questions.
First Communion and Confirmation Classes will begin Sunday, August 11, 2024. Students must be at least a 2nd grader to be in the First Communion Class and at least a 9th grader to be in the Confirmation Class. Please contact Tracy Disney at (317) 831-4142 if you have a student who will be entering one of these classes.
First Communion and Confirmation Classes will begin Sunday, August 11, 2024. Students must be at least a 2nd grader to be in the First Communion Class and at least a 9th grader to be in the Confirmation Class. Please contact Tracy Disney at (317) 831-4142 if you have a student who will be entering one of these classes.
St. Thomas More K of C
Is looking for men and needs your help. With the numerous projects and requests, more help is needed. A new recruiting process is being implemented using a computer application. You may apply in the social hall and acceptance is almost instant. This process will begin July 27th and 28th. For more information contact: Michael Tessmer: (317) 777-2052.
Is looking for men and needs your help. With the numerous projects and requests, more help is needed. A new recruiting process is being implemented using a computer application. You may apply in the social hall and acceptance is almost instant. This process will begin July 27th and 28th. For more information contact: Michael Tessmer: (317) 777-2052.